Runolfur Gudbjornsson Runolfur Gudbjornsson

Daylight Studio

We have now made it possible to shoot on white backdrop with daylight conditions.
No matter how much you try to create daylight in studio it will never be the same as actual daylight. Our backdrop is facing north so it wont get struck by sunlight, which gives that amazing smooth light…
I might add that the images are taken straight from the camera and have not been retouched, so as you see there are now shadows at all.

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Runolfur Gudbjornsson Runolfur Gudbjornsson

Shooting in the Rocky's

We have just got back from a photo shoot in Marble, colorado for Aagaard. the trip was a big success, the Rocky Mountains are a brilliant winter location, specially if you need to find winter in late may and with our local location scout and production man Gary Hubbell we where able to shoot in some hard to find places and with amazing props. We want to give Gary a huge thumbs up for all the good work and for making things happen on the set. There is no doubt that this is not the last time we shoot in the Rocky’s!!

- Posted from my iPad

Location:Marstrandsgade,Aarhus Municipality,Denmark

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Runolfur Gudbjornsson Runolfur Gudbjornsson

ready, Steady, Shoot...

we finally received the new HandySlr rig so now we are ready to go. from 21-28 of may we will be in Colorado shooting Aagaards winter catalog and TV commercial. we will of course blog from the tour …

Posted by ShoZu

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Runolfur Gudbjornsson Runolfur Gudbjornsson

DSLR Shoulder Rig

Since we started shooting video our focus has been on finding the right gear to work with in order to make your work more professional and easier. The latest product in our gear lineup is this shoulder rig from Handyfilmtools. It is an light weight rig with a lot of possibilities for mounting peripherals to is such as a monitor, follow focus and sound sources.


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Runolfur Gudbjornsson Runolfur Gudbjornsson

Brand New Website!

Photopop just released a new website and this is without a doubt the best one yet and we just love the new video player..
If you plan on visiting the site from time to time we recommend that you drop by the Portfolio section because this is where we post new material, that way you don´t have to remember what you have all ready checked you and what not.


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Runolfur Gudbjornsson Runolfur Gudbjornsson


Ib&co asked us to develope a visual style for their new iPaper, the theme they wanted was a fairy tail look that would fit the big meadows that surrounds them. One of the goals we had set us was to give the images a curtain monotone character so that all the black and white graphic elements would blend in easily. The green tone we picked really compliments the nature elements and the rich clouded sky that brings in the dramatic feel in the images. We really feel that we accomplished what we set out to do.


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Runolfur Gudbjornsson Runolfur Gudbjornsson

new studio

please notice that we have moved to a new studio and our new adresse is Katrinebjergvej 93a, 8200 Århus N

Posted by ShoZu

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Runolfur Gudbjornsson Runolfur Gudbjornsson

3D with 7D

Aarhuskontoret gave us the challenge to shoot portraits in 3D. But before we could start shooting we had to solve some technical issues since there is no digital 3D still cameras out there worth mentioning. We found the swedish company Syndicate that had built a prototype rig for the Canon 7D and then we turned to Canon Denmark that lend us two 7D cameras.

Posted by ShoZu

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Runolfur Gudbjornsson Runolfur Gudbjornsson

Off Road'in

out in the wilderness hunting and shooting the perfect image…

Posted by ShoZu

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Runolfur Gudbjornsson Runolfur Gudbjornsson

Aagaard TV commercial

Photopop is proud to annonce our first nation wide TV commercial. It is a tv spot which contains footage which is shot during the photoshoot for the winter catalog that has recently been distributed via mail to every household in Denmark.
The commercial is aired on TV2 every day up until christmas at prime time right after the regional news.

it can be viewed at our website:

TV2 spot

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Runolfur Gudbjornsson Runolfur Gudbjornsson

dance video

This is a private project with two dancers, one Hip Hop and the other break dancer. The idea was to make a simple and low budget film with few elements but rich on emotion and enthusiasm, It is all based on improvisation and with the dancers private chemistry in center. We wanted to capture a sort of a “jam session” feeling where anything can happen.

Dancers are Dominque Beck and Rami Al-Saadi from Lets Dance studio.


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Runolfur Gudbjornsson Runolfur Gudbjornsson

The green way...

We at Photopop like our planet so we want to do what we can to keep it safe. One of the things we use most of is electricity and everybody that have worked with a professional photographer have found out that we use a lot of gear. Some of it is really power hungry and some of it has to be constantly plugged in, therefor the decision of going for 100% green energy was not a hard one to make.
In the beginning of 2009 we made the switch to only buy energy made by green sources, so if your company is committed to the environmental friendly way of thinking, the chain will stay unbroken when working with Photopop.

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Runolfur Gudbjornsson Runolfur Gudbjornsson

New project: Floating Figure

We have just launched a brand new project called Floating Figure. For a long time it has been our plan to work with water in an artistic way. We did not want to go for the typical “underwater” style which has been widely exposed throughout the time. On of our wishes was to have the floating benefit of water, the brilliance of the reflecting surface and be able to maintain the ability to pose in a graceful and elegant way.
Therefor we chose to shoot this series of pictures from above, looking down on a 5000L water bassin, found at the local toy store. This is something that is widely common in family gardens and it was ideal choise for us because the blowup border allowed us to work indoors in an hassle free way and gave us the freedom of controlling how much water was needed in order for the model to float but still be able to control her movements and have parts of the body above the surface.

Direct link: Floating Figure

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Runolfur Gudbjornsson Runolfur Gudbjornsson

New website...

Today we launch a brand new website. Apart from a new design it contains new features such as fullscreen view, arrow keys navigation and video gallery. The site will be updated frequently over the coming weeks as we are still in the process of gathering and preparing material. We are also holding some new material back duo to release date´s and such, so there is a good reason to keep a close eye on this blog…
We hope you enjoy the new website.

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Runolfur Gudbjornsson Runolfur Gudbjornsson

Cult Mokai

Cult valgt i år at bruge Photopop til at lave billedet til kampangen på deres nye drink “Mokai”. Det har været en sand fornøjelse at være med på denne store success fra Cult som har taget Danmark og udlandet med en storm. Photopop har altid været glad for det samarbejde vi har med både Cult og on!Ad og ønsker vi dem stort tillykke med deres nye produkt.

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Runolfur Gudbjornsson Runolfur Gudbjornsson

stillfoto i bevægelse

Photopop har været med til at lave et spændende eksperiment for IBA (international Business Academy) som går ud på at blænde stillbillede og HD video sammen i én flashfil. Opgaven var at lave en intro film til IBA, vi valgt derfor at lave et stærkt fotografi af en pige som så blev retouchet til at lign en vampyr og en stemningsfuld baggrund lagt ind. Under optagelserne blev der filmet i HD video hvor der er vind i håret som så blev lagt ind seperat. Resultatet er meget spændende og fordi det bevarer retouch mulighederne som er ved et stillfoto og tilføjet egenskaberne fra film. Se resultatet her:

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Runolfur Gudbjornsson Runolfur Gudbjornsson

Photopop og Ramsgaard Image Lab

Photopop kan nu fortælle at vi har indledt et samarbejde med Ramsgaard Image Lab omkring billedbehandling og redigering af billeder til en række opgaver. Ikke nok med det, men “RIL” kommer også til med at dele lokaler med os i fremtiden, så nu kan vi tilbyde denne service “inhouse” til vores kunder og samarbejdspartnere. Vi glæder os til vores fremtidige samarbejde med Peter Ramsgaard og vi er sikkre på at det vil give mange gode og spændende resultater.

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