Skidome Denmark presentation video
In early october 2012 we were approached by Openminded with a request of making a presentation video for a Skidome in Denmark. The assignment was to film and edit interviews of the architect Mikkel Frost, Cebra Architects and Simon O. Andersen, Brand Manager at Danski. In addition to that we where supplied with animations from Cebra and intro animation from Openminded to edit with our own footage. To make the look of the footage pop out as crispy as possible we decided to colorgrade the interviews in Adobe Lightroom. The result was beyond satisfying and the control we had over the details and color balance was amazing. The video has been a huge success, with around 250.000 views and countless blog posts as well as being covered by both print, online media and TV.
Photopop goes to the movies
I spent 4 weeks in november and december 2011 with a danish film crew on Mallorca, Spain while shooting a feature film. Its Directed by Adam Neutzsky-Wuulf and produced by Drama Deluxe. The film cast features William Baldwin, Estella Warren, Sarah Butler, Katia Winter, Jeffrey Pierce and Kim Bondia.
My role was to shoot character portraits, scenes, behind the scenes stills and video. One of the scene shots has now been used to make this fantastic movie poster.
Found this video in my archives and got the urge to share it with you guys! It such a nice little film and I have always loved the mood in it.
We have been shooting a series of images for Nyt Syn´s new campaign and the first one is out now.. one more is just around the corner! So stay tuned…
I just love the new campaign!
Photo / retouch: Runolfur Gudbjørnsson
Agency: Aarhuskontoret
styling/makeup: Mille / Le Management
Model: Bo / Le Management
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